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Showing posts with the label interesting facts about dreams and what they mean

MOST unbelievable facts about dreams

MOST UNBELIEVABLE FACTS ABOUT DREAMS Dreams are something that are used to give hopes for a person to live a happy life. Dreams can be seen with open eyes and with closed eyes as well. It is basic to dream first and then we have to do our work to fulfill those dreams.                         From-Google image 1. Precognitive dreams  are dreams that appear to predict the future through a sixth sense. 2.We think about this once in our lifetime that  do blind people also dream?  But it's is true that they do dream 3.Researchers have found that during  rapid eye movement (REM) , our brain is in the most active state and we experience most vivid or clear dreams during this stage of sleep. 4.During sleep, the key factor that make our memory is inactive  because of this we forgot most of our dreams immediately after waking up.                  But we can remember some of our dreams in case of REM mentioned above. 5. It’s been estimated that more th