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An eyelash or simply lash is one of the hairs that grows at the edge of the eyelid. It grows in three layers on the edge of the eye lids

Function of eyelashes:

Eyelashes protect the eye from debris, dust and small particles and perform some of the same functions as whiskers do on a cat or a mouse in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect) is near the eye (which then closes reflexively).

1. The upper lid usually has about 200-300 lashes total, while the lower lid only has 75 to 100 lashes. Middle lashes are also generally longer than your side lashes.

2. The Ancient Egyptians  were the first to darken their lashes with kohl as early as 4000 BC. The modern mascara formula we’re now so fond of was first created in 1913 in France by Rimmel, and popularized stateside by Maybelline’s premiere formula, a blend of coal and Vaseline.

3.The longest lashes on record is 2.75inches,and it belongs to a man.

4. Lashes have mites,very small parasitic mites,known as  DEMODEX,
*these mites help remove dirt and clean your lash follicles, protecting your eye from gross infections. People with fewer lashes are actually more likely to get painful styes, so thank those mites for keeping you healthy and infection-free!

5.False eyelashes are the current trend in fashion world,
First invented by the American film director D.W. Griffith while he was making his 1916 epic, "Intolerance". Griffith wanted actress Seena Owen to have lashes that graced her cheeks, to make her eyes shine larger than life in a black and white film. A wigmaker wove human hair through fine gauze, which was then gummed to Owen's eyelids. "Intolerance" was critically acclaimed but flopped financially.

                                     Seena owen
Since 1916, there have been plenty of leading ladies and celebrities who used false eyelashes.

6. At first,false eyelashes were made out by fringes.As they looked so unreal they spent a very less time. These were made by gluing each thread piece on a thread,so these were very expensive also.

7. In 2006, JAPAN introduce lash-by-lash technique which gives more natural and realistic look.

8. False lashes are made by the fur of a wild animal,known as MINK.
Its fur is 100% natural so it gives natural look to lashes. It provides super natural shine, flexibility and gives wispy look.

9.Camel is the animal who have the longest eyelashes in animal kingdom.
Others are cow,alpaca,giraffes,horses,etc.they all have beautiful natural eyelashes.

10. Synthetic eyelashes are made by man-made things such as rubber and other recyclable stuffs.

11. There are many different types of EYELASHES extensions available now.Many of them are-

Dead flies legged eyelashes
LED eyelashes

UV eyelashes

Paper eyelashes

Diamond eyelashes

Feather eyelashes

Paper-clip eyelashes

Petals eyelashes

Flag eyelashes

Curly eyelashes

Credits- All images are used from Google images.


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