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Interesting way of writing to get perfect marks in exams

How to write in boards answer sheet to get good marks

Students appearing in CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board exams often complain about lengthy question paper. After the exam, most of the students say that they knew everything in the paper but unable to answer all the questions as the paper was too lengthy. Most of the students appearing for board exams are not able to finish the question paper within the given timeframe. During board exam, proper time management is extremely important in order to attempt the complete question paper within time.
In order to help the students, here are some important tips which students can follow as per their convenience.

1. Read your question paper thoroughly within 10 minutes:

Reading of full question paper before starting writing on answer sheet is a must thing. You should know what u can do easily with less time and what will take your time.So, read the full paper and Mark those which you can do easily with pencil only.

2. Attempt the known questions first,but how?

Make sure to firstly write down correct question numbers in front of your answers and try not to make mess in your sheet.
Because you definitely not want to make your checker confused with your sheet . So, firstly write down the section accordingly and then answer no. this and this and proceed with those questions which you are assured. And leave the required space where ever you needed in those question which u can't answer immediately.
Don't do this one question is on first page and second question is on last page,this will make your examiner frustrated.

3.How to write in more presentable way?

*Make margins if u can but before question paper provided.
 *Write down question no. properly with black pen only.
*Make your heading more attractive,use black pen for those and write them within 3-4 line and underline them.
*Write your answer in point-wise manner and make diagram if needed ,diagram are really important,if u draw it ,not very nicely,that will be okay but labelling is must and should be proper.
*Always make your diagram with pencil only ,this is a key point.
*Make your writing spacious enough so that your checker can easily understand without much efforts.
*Underline main words within the answer with pens but nicely,neatly and straight,to give your checker brief about your answer.Then,they will not read your full answer but give you full marks.
* Make sure to fill your answer sheet with proper systematic way not a scattered way.
*Use flowcharts as much as possible and also write down the theory also,of the same topic.
*Make attractive writing,if your writing is not that good,then leave proper space between letters,words,sentences,to make it readable.

4.Write what is asked ,not what you know.

Do not skip the mandatory questions. Write what is being asked, not what you know. Be precise while writing your answer. Make it appear presentable and organized by writing them in points, use bullets and numbering methods rather than writing bulky paragraphs. The best ‘Tips for Writing Exam Papers’ in order to gain good scores to be specific about and clear in regards with your answer. While writing an essay, do not exceed the mentioned word limit.

5.Manage time wisely and try to leave last 15 minutes only for rechecking purpose

Board exam comprises of both objective and essay type questions. You will get an idea of how much time you will needed for one question while doing practise sets so place your watch in front of you and write your answer according to the time.
Divide your time equally to every answer according to their weightage.
In English, firstly complete writing section because when you are having fresh mind,you can do creative writing.

6.How to recheck quickly? 

As I have told you to leave last 15 minutes only for rechecking start reading from the first page with having blue pen in hand and read it thoroughly,also check the question number that you have mentioned is right or not.

7.Some other little measures to take care about

  • Don't overuse whitener 
  • Don't cut  your words rashly ,just cut it by one line only
  • Make straight line wherever required,not everywhere
  • Attempt every question,If you are unable to answer any question,write down every thing regarding  to that topic as per your knowledge,but in very less time.
  • Use black and blue pens only but with creative and attractive manner.


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