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First thing is this, why should we need eyebrows OR what is the use of eyebrows?
The answer is, eyebrows gives structure to your face this,it is crucial for face recognition.

 Some of the other facts related to eyebrows are mentioned below:

1.The shape of your brows may predict your personality.

According to Amazing Face Reading by Marc Fuller, if you have straight eyebrows you might be more fact-oriented and direct. If they are slightly curved, you're likely to be more people-oriented.

2.They start to turn gray just like the rest of your hair.

But thankfully, it takes years after your head goes gray for them to follow suit.

3.Eyebrows are the most expressive part of human body.

You can tell exactly how someone is feeling based on their facial movements. If they have furrowed brows they're probably angry. If one is raised it could mean they are feeling inquisitive or confused, and if they're feeling shocked, both might be raised.

4.They give protection to your eyes.

 Like our lashes, our brows wick away sweat and dirt so they don't cloud our vision. They also deflect rain, and force drops to run down the side of our face instead of straight into our eyes.

5.Responsible for 'false communication'

Eyebrows have a facilitative function in communication, strengthening expressions, such as surprise or anger. The eyebrows can cause a "false facial expression", when a person's eyebrow shape appears to express an emotion that they are not experiencing.

6.Eyebrow can replace themselves with certain time period.

Eyebrow have an average 5-7weeks of growth cycle.

The inner corner of your eyebrows cycle is faster (4-6weeks),while outer corner of your brows are having slower growth cycle (10-16weeks).

7. Unibrows are considered as a beauty sign in some areas.

Unibrows/ jaccobrows/ monobrows called synophrys in medicine is a single eyebrow created when two EYEBROWS meet in the middle above the bridge of the nose.
Unibrows is considered as a sign of beauty in OMAN AND TAZIKISTAN.

8. Guinness record for longest eyebrow

Longest eyebrow hair belongs to ZHENG SHUSEN(CHINA)-81 years old, and was 19.1cm(7.5inches),measured on 6 Jan 2016 at Manzouli,inner mangolia, China.

9.Microblading is setting a new trend!

Microblading is a new tattooing technology in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to skin.

10. Eyebrows in physiognomy!

Eyebrows are known as "ORGAN OF LONGETIVITY"in physiognomy and is equivalent to the life line in palmistry.


EYEBROWS are also known as "ORGAN OF BROTHERS" which represents the affection relationship with brothers and sisters.

12. Eyebrows can reflect your behaviour.

Eyebrows can reflect one's wisdom,thoughts and individual behaviourism.

13. These are beauty obsession of the decade.

Eyebrows have became the beauty obsession of the decade.

There are many trending  type of eyebrows- fluffy,curly,HD,natural,dramatic,soft fluid-look in Korea(fashion country of the world),and many more.

14. Thick eyebrows are considered as a 'Sign of youth'.

It is considered in many countries that thick eyebrows can give you much younger look,as with the age eyebrow hairs have fallen down and they became less with time.

15. Eyebrow obsession in Asians.

Most of the Asians,mainly Korean, Chinese, japanese, Philippines etc. Have very less amount of hair in there eyebrow.
So,they made variety of unusual,yet useful tools for perfect eyebrows.

All image source- Google images


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