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        HERE IS A LIST OF SOME MAJOR WATERFALL OF INDIA Sahastradhara Falls :-     Located near Dehradun, Formed by liquidification of limestone rocks Elephanta Falls :-     Located at shillong (Meghalaya), since it looks like the face of elephant, it was named as elephanta  water fall by the britishers Chuliya Falls :-  Kota on River Chambal Dhuandhar Falls        *Located at jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) on river Narmada  *An example of nick point & represents rejuvanation Rajrappa Falls :-  Located at the confluence of the Damodar & Bhairavi (locally called Bhera) rivers – Ramgarh (Jharkhand) Hundru Falls       *On river Suvarnrekha at Ranchi (Jharkhand)  *Represents nick point & rejuvanation Joranda Falls :-  At Shimlipal National Park of Mayurbhanj district of Orissa. Duduma Falls        *On river Machkund, nearby Koraput district (Orissa)  *Also known as Matsya Tirth Kapildhara Falls        *Located i

Intresting fact about 'UNIVERSE'

 INTRESTING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE 'UNIVERSE' 1. Pythagoras, who was an Ionian Greek philosopher and mathematician, first used the term  “COSMOS”  for the order of the Universe. 2. Cosmology  is the discipline that describes the large scale properties of the universe as a whole. 3. The distance covered by light in one year is known as “ Light Year .” The Velocity of light is 300,000 km/s. 4. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is known as “ Astronomical Unit .” One astronomical unit is (roughly) equal to 149.6 million kilometers. 5. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)  is an Explorer Mission of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It is launched for the study and measurement of cosmology. 6. Professor Sir Fred Hoyle, who was an English astronomer, coined the term  “Big Bang”  to explain a scientific theory on the creation of cosmos. 7. Galaxy  is a huge collection of stellar and interstellar matter, which are bo


    BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT EARTH Total surface area of the Earth is 510,100,500 sq. km, out of which − The total land area is 148,950,800 sq. km (29.08% of total area) and The total water area is 361,149,700 sq. km (70.92%). Diameter of the Earth at Equator is 12,755 km, at the poles 12,712 km, and mean diameter is 12,734 km. Circumference of the Earth at Equator is 40,075 km and at the poles 40,024 km. Equatorial radius of the Earth is 6,377 km. The total mass of the Earth is 5.98 x 1024 kg. Approximate age of the Earth is 4,500 million years. The mean velocity of the Earth in its orbit (around the Sun) is 107,218 km/h. The most abundant  elements  of the Earth are Iron (about 32.5%), Oxygen (29.8%), Silicon (15.6%), and Magnesium (13.9%) Structure of Earth credits-googleimages The Earth is structured in  three layers  namely − Crust, Mantle, and Core – Further classified as outer core (fluid layer) and inner core (solid layer).

Some of the borrowed features of Indian Constitution

SOME BORROWED FEATURES OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION FROM OTHER COUNTRIES: The Constitution of India is the longest, written constitution in the world, with  448 articles  under  25 parts ,  12 schedules ,  5 appendices , and  101 amendments today . But few know that our Constitution borrowed some of its most salient features from other countries around the world. From- U.K 1.  Nominal Head – President (like Queen) 2.  Post of Prime Minister 3.  Parliamentary Type of Govt. 4.  Bicameral Parliament 5.  Lower House more powerful 6.  Single Citizenship 7.  Speaker in Lok Sabha 8.  Cabinet System of Ministers From- U.S.A Written Constitution 1. Written Constitution 2.  Vice­ President as the ex­office Chairman of Rajya Sabha 3.  Fundamental Rights 4.  Supreme Court 5.  Provision of States 6.  Independence of Judiciary and 7.  judicial review 8.  Preamble 9.  Removal of Supreme court and High court Judges From- USSR 1.  Fundamental Duties 2.  Five y
  BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION  1. The "basic features" principle was first expounded in 1953 , by Justice J.R. Mudholkar in his dissent, in the case of Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan. 2. The basic structure doctrine is an Indian judicial principle that the Constitution of India has certain basic features that cannot be altered or destroyed through amendments by the parliament.  3. The basic features of the Constitution have not been explicitly defined by the Judiciary, and the claim of any particular feature of the Constitution to be a "basic" feature is determined by the Court in each case that comes before it.  4. Key among these "basic features", are the fundamental rights granted to individuals by the constitution.  5. The basic structure doctrine does not apply to ordinary Acts of Parliament, which must itself be in conformity with the Constitution. 6. The present position is that the Parliament under Article 368